Welcome to the PayTabs Developer Community Forums: A platform for developers to help each other learn and collaborate on technical solutions related to PayTabs products.
This is Adel Hameed, SVP of Global Customer Success at PayTabs.com.
Please take a moment to read through these guidelines before posting in the forums. Following these simple rules will help make the forums a more informative place for everyone.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Rules of engagement:
First, search to see if a similar answer has been provided
Please use relevant tags and descriptive titles to help others find your posts.
Please post your questions using the correct subjects within the right forum
Do not post the same question in multiple forums
When asking questions, provide more information aided by screenshots or screen recordings and logs
When posting code snippets, please use the correct code syntax highlighter
Always be respectful of others; use respectful language.
Do not use any offensive language or links to websites with offensive materials or sexual content.
Post messages either in English or Arabic.
Do not pretend to be someone else
No advertising or spamming is allowed
Beware of using copyright content, without express written permission
Respect people's privacy; do not disclose phone numbers, emails, or addresses.
If you witness anyone breaking the rules above, please notify [email protected]
PayTabs reserves the right to remove any account in violation of these guidelines.
بدأ موضوعًا 3 سنوات تقريبًا مضت | Viewed: 6701 times | Likes: 3
Welcome to the PayTabs Developer Community Forums: A platform for developers to help each other learn and collaborate on technical solutions related to PayTabs products.
This is Adel Hameed, SVP of Global Customer Success at PayTabs.com.
Please take a moment to read through these guidelines before posting in the forums. Following these simple rules will help make the forums a more informative place for everyone.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Rules of engagement:
If you witness anyone breaking the rules above, please notify [email protected]
PayTabs reserves the right to remove any account in violation of these guidelines.
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