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  Shopify Paytab issue

بدأ موضوعًا أكثر من 2 سنوات مضت | Viewed: 5972 times | Likes: 1



Any user facing issue in using paytabs on shopify portal. We are new to both shopify and paytabs . Our account is live with paytabs but unable to use it. Strange responses and delayed support in solving this.

أفضل إجابة

 Dear Ashwani,

I hope my message finds you well.

The new plugin has already been published successfully on the last 24th of July. To know more about it, please check our Shopify Plugin solution article.

You should also know that we are providing you with a great "Solutions Portal" that includes so many articles that can walk you through any situation, such as the "The How to & The What Is (FAQ)" category, which contains the technical and non-technical FAQ, and the "How to Integrate with PayTabs?" category which contains all the available methods to integrate with the fully detailed documentation and "Troubleshooting Your Issues/Errors" category which will allow you to trace and solve your issues without seeking for any assistance.

Please don't ever hesitate to comment back if you still have further inquiries. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.

Glad to be always in help. Stay Safe.
Hoping you have a profitable and successful trade.

شخص واحد طرح هذا السؤال
Having similar issues with paytabs. Payments not being processed. And now I see a notification from Shopify that mentions that paytabs won’t be available on Shopfiy starting July 31st.

شخص واحد يعجبه هذا

Welcome, Dears Sujith and Jaison,

Thanks for reaching PayTabs out on our Developers Community. My Name is Alaa the technical support team lead and I will be looking into this post and following up with you.

About the correspondence received from Shopify, regarding depreciation. Do rest assured you have nothing to be concerned about as this will not affect your transaction processing.

Our new Shopify plugin is already pending Shopify approval and will be launched before 30 June 2022. This is well ahead of the depreciation deadline.

We recommend you do not de-activate the existing Shopify plugin until the new plugin has been released and updated by PayTabs.

As for the new joiners, you will be able to use our new plugin very soon.

You should also know that we are providing you with a great "Solutions Portal" that includes so many articles that can walk you through any situation such as the "The How to & The What Is (FAQ)" category which contains the technical and non-technical FAQ, and the "How to Integrate with PayTabs?" category which contains all the available methods to integrate with the fully detailed documentation and "Troubleshooting Your Issues/Errors" category which will allow you to trace and solve your issues without seeking for any assistance.

Please don't ever hesitate to comment back if you still have further inquiries. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.

Glad to be always in help. Stay Safe.
Hoping you have a profitable and successful trade.

Dear Alaa,

Thanks for the reply . But is there a way we can use the exisitng plug in . We are unable to open our store to customers as there is no payment gateway. Please if you have any workaround in this case it will be highly appreciated.

i had enabled the plugin in test mode but when there was a error i deactivated it completly. as per shopify support , they said we can integrate it via paytabs login. but there is error . 

let me know if there is any possible solutions on this.



Dear Sujith,

I hope my message finds you well.

Once you de-activate the existing Shopify plugin you will be not able to activate it again and you will be considered as a new joiner. In this case, there's no workaround except for waiting for our new plugin by the end of the next June.

You can suspend your PayTabs account for one month till our plugin is deployed again, in this case I will recommend you to send an email to customercare@paytabs.com asking for a suspension.

You should also know that we are providing you with a great "Solutions Portal" that includes so many articles that can walk you through any situation such as the "The How to & The What Is (FAQ)" category which contains the technical and non-technical FAQ, and the "How to Integrate with PayTabs?" category which contains all the available methods to integrate with the fully detailed documentation and "Troubleshooting Your Issues/Errors" category which will allow you to trace and solve your issues without seeking for any assistance.

Please don't ever hesitate to comment back if you still have further inquiries. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.

Glad to be always in help. Stay Safe.
Hoping you have a profitable and successful trade.
Any update with this issue?

Dear DarBeauty,

I hope my message finds you well.

It will be deployed very soon within the next few days, you will get notified once it will be on the Shopify marketplace.

You should also know that we are providing you with a great "Solutions Portal" that includes so many articles that can walk you through any situation such as the "The How to & The What Is (FAQ)" category which contains the technical and non-technical FAQ, and the "How to Integrate with PayTabs?" category which contains all the available methods to integrate with the fully detailed documentation and "Troubleshooting Your Issues/Errors" category which will allow you to trace and solve your issues without seeking for any assistance.

Please don't ever hesitate to comment back if you still have further inquiries. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.

Glad to be always in help. Stay Safe.
Hoping you have a profitable and successful trade.


Hi Alaa,

Is the new paytabs x shopify solution out yet? I still see the alert on our shopify dashboard.


Please advise.

Thank You,

شخص واحد يعجبه هذا

 Dear Ashwani,

I hope my message finds you well.

The new plugin has already been published successfully on the last 24th of July. To know more about it, please check our Shopify Plugin solution article.

You should also know that we are providing you with a great "Solutions Portal" that includes so many articles that can walk you through any situation, such as the "The How to & The What Is (FAQ)" category, which contains the technical and non-technical FAQ, and the "How to Integrate with PayTabs?" category which contains all the available methods to integrate with the fully detailed documentation and "Troubleshooting Your Issues/Errors" category which will allow you to trace and solve your issues without seeking for any assistance.

Please don't ever hesitate to comment back if you still have further inquiries. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.

Glad to be always in help. Stay Safe.
Hoping you have a profitable and successful trade.

اواجه مشكله فى ربط حسابى بمتجرى على شوبيفاى و اوجه صعوبه فى تحديد العمله ؟

مرحباً بك عزيزنا  أحمد،

اتمنى ان تجدك هذه الرسالة باتم صحة،

برجاء الاطلاع علي المقال الخاص بنا Shopify Plugin لمعرفة طريقه ربط الحساب الخاص بكم ببيتابس بمتجركم على شوبيفاي، بخصوص مشكلة العملة برجاء توضيح المشكلة بشكل مفصل لمساعدتك وفقا لذلك.

رجاءاً لا تتردد في مراسلتنا في حال وجود أي إستفسارر أو سؤال. سأكون سعيد بإفادتك بما تحتاجه.

نعمل جاهدين دائما لتحظوا على تجربة مميزة مع باي تابس.
مع تمنايتنا بتجارة ناجحة ومربحة.

مرحبا أعزائي

أنا محمد من فلسطين أحاول دمج البوابة مع متجري في الشوبيفاي لكن هناك مشكلة!


أتمنى ان أجد التوجيه الصحيح أو الحل لهذه ان كانت مشكلة فعلا


مرحباً بك عزيزنا محمد،

سعداء لتواصلك معنا، أسمي أسامة الحماحمى من فريق الدعم التقني، وسأقوم بالمتابعة والأهتمام بطلبك.

برجاء العلم انPayTabs Shopify الخاص بمنطقة فلسطين قيد التنفيذ وسيصبح متاحا قريبا. سوف نقوم بإعلامكم حال الانتهاء.

رجاءاً لا تتردد في مراسلتنا في حال وجود أي إستفسارر أو سؤال. سأكون سعيد بإفادتك بما تحتاجه.

نعمل جاهدين دائما لتحظوا على تجربة مميزة مع باي تابس.

مع تمنايتنا بتجارة ناجحة ومربحة.