A response indicating "API: failed to send SMS" when sending POST API request 'Send Invoice SMS'.
تم النشر بواسطة
Lsnav MHN،
3 أشهر مضت
آخر رد بواسطة Mohammed EL Rayes
3 أشهر مضت
تمت الإجابة
i need a transaction status so that on the basis of the response in callback/return url i will update in my crm as well as redirect the user.
تم النشر بواسطة
Ayushi khare،
أكثر من 2 سنوات مضت
آخر رد بواسطة Hussein Mostafa
5 أشهر مضت
تمت الإجابة
Hello, we are developers working on a Saudi mobile app. We have integrated PayTabs as the payment gateway on our systems. We use a recurring payment for handling subscriptions, We have followed the tokenized transaction guides to handle the recurring subscription payment, but it seems that transactions made using Apple Pay and STCPay didn't give us the token for recurring requests. Does the recurring payment only work on cards? or is there any other way to use the recurring payment with Apple Pay and STCPay?
تم النشر بواسطة
Rainer Regan،
5 أشهر مضت
آخر رد بواسطة Mohammed EL Rayes
5 أشهر مضت
1 صوت
تمت الإجابة
Hi, I have a plan to integrate PayTabs as our recurring payment. We have successfully created the normal payment request and successfully got the token from the transaction. However, when we tried to create the recurring transaction, we got an error without any explanation. The error message was "Unable to process your request" with error code 422, we have no idea what this means. We have passed the correct token and tran_ref but the response is still the same. Error response {
"code": 422,
"message": "Unable to process your request",
"trace": "PMNT0706.65F87866.00000992"
} When I look at the API debug logs, the error was "Invalid terminal", and I still haven't have any idea what does this mean. Any help would be appreciated!
تم النشر بواسطة
Rainer Regan،
11 أشهر مضت
آخر رد بواسطة Osama El-Hamahmy
11 أشهر مضت
تمت الإجابة
i want amex card test data
تم النشر بواسطة
Ticketak App،
سنة واحدة تقريبًا مضت
آخر رد بواسطة Osama El-Hamahmy
سنة واحدة تقريبًا مضت
تمت الإجابة
Hi, I have transaction with total amount 100 SAR and I need partial refund it , I call API 3 times by passing cart_amount = 50 SAR at each time at the first time the response_status is "A" at the second time the response_status is "A" at the third time the response_status is "A" the expected result is in the third time the response is "E", which is I exceeded the max value of transaction, what is the wrong? my sample request is { "profile_id": xxxxx, "tran_type": "refund", "tran_class": "ecom", "cart_id": "xxxxxxx", "cart_currency": "SAR", "cart_amount": 50, "cart_description": "refund reason", "tran_ref": "TSTxxxxxxxxxx" }
تم النشر بواسطة
Muhammad Sayed،
أكثر من سنة مضت
آخر رد بواسطة Hussein Mostafa
أكثر من سنة مضت
تمت الإجابة
I have successfully integrated paytabs using managed form but i was wondering if i could add stc pay to managed form or is it only applicable using hosted payment
تم النشر بواسطة
omar mohamed abdelmoneim،
2 سنوات تقريبًا مضت
آخر رد بواسطة Hussein Mostafa
2 سنوات تقريبًا مضت
تمت الإجابة
I have implemented Paytabs integration Via API endpoint but I'm getting "Authentication failed. Check profile ID and authentication header."
تم النشر بواسطة
Rani Fouad،
أكثر من 2 سنوات مضت
آخر رد بواسطة Osama El-Hamahmy
أكثر من 2 سنوات مضت
1 صوت